Vegan Bobó de Camarão

I love the memories of consistent home cooked meals with friends and family around. Growing up, this was more of a weekly event but later with my friends, I recall more of a monthly get together. What is especially on my mind is the times of hanging out with my Brazilian friends. One friend specifically, Janaina, did the cooking. Today […]

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Vegan day 332: Tempeh surprise

Not having expectations can often lead to pleasant surprises.  I was closing my summer place for the winter. I knew that the kitchen and refrigerator were pretty well stocked with grains and legumes so I didn’t load up on groceries when I headed over. I made once stop and it was for greens– specifically SPINACH!  Just greens.. one item and […]

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Vegan day 330: Soy nuggets

I’m still in search for some semi-healthy soy chicken to use for a dish that I am going to prepare for our annual holiday staff party! The next experiment was with soy nuggets. I simply sautéed the frozen nuggets in a pan with a little extra-virgin coconut oil. I covered it and flipped the nuggets until golden brown.  Honestly, to my […]

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Vegan day 326: Pineapple Quinoa

Being the quinoa fan that I am, this recipe jumped off the page of VEGANOMICON and practically onto my palate.  Have I mentioned that I also have pineapple almost daily. Again, since we do not live in Hawaii, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing, however, with respect to this amazing stir-fry.. it’s a necessity. This is a great […]

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