My New Years resolution this year as every year is to quit drinking for a while. I’m a bartender so I need that Ketel One & Patron detox every year. It usually has a start date of January 2 and goes for a month or two. This year I did it before I worked NYE and gave it an end date through Lent to Easter. I also half jokingly gave up FOOD! I have to thank God for that one! I did the normal “I’m not going to eat white carbs- only to include WHITE bread, WHITE rice and WHITE pasta. Wait.. I forgot to tell you- I’m a PASTAHOLIC! I admit it and I surrender- lol! So- NO PASTA at all– tri color, spinach or WHOLE WHEAT. It’s a binge trigger food– No No NO!!! ok– all set! No alcohol- no food! What will I do!!!!!! (screaming lol)- I go for my dreams which I re-WRITE year after year after year. I want to OPEN a juice bar– that’s one high up on the list. Well, I wanna take some classes then– juice, herbs.. health- something like that. Jan 6th rolls around– I’m now enrolled in a program to get an education in Holistic Nutrition.. haha I move fast– and hard! My first two classes are Intro to Holistic Nutrition and Herbology. I’m in love with herbs– and not pot! lol The goal here is CLEARING the body & mind.. haha I am transforming my shaker collection and liquor rack- it’s starting to look like an herb store hehe- shakers filled with herbs & teas- supercool. (see pic)
Anyway- reason I am here is because I want to have fun– play with new recipes and keep track of them with my friends or whoever wants to listen. I never want to say– IDK!!! What can I eat and still be healthy?? I am changing my lifestyle! I was half joking about giving up food and half not! I GAVE UP FOOD AS A KNEW IT! My (good) diets used to consist of whole wheat pasta with a ton of cheese on it..– nopppeeee no more! I let go of food! I WAS A MAJOR LOVER OF FOOD– so much I joined OA back in the day- long story- different topic for another day. Today is about RECIPES! My goals are to eat healthy and naturally. My goals include getting a balanced diet with all the necessary complex carbs, proteins, fats, viamins & minerals that I need. GOODBYE to food as I knew it.. byeeeee food byeeee !!! (waving)- lol
Goal one was to lay down a dope ass MISO SOUP! The Japanese say that MISO~BROWN RICE~ and ADZUKI BEANS are like perfect foods on the road to health. The health store Miso didn’t do it for me at all. Of course I’m not great at following directions. Anyway, my nephew and I went to the Japanese store and he really did– “Eni meni mini mo….”– the whole thing; really long and we ended up with SOYBEAN PASTE red type! Here is the recipe after many tries. Don’t yell at me for measuring totals- I have none- I am Italian! lol
~~Never put the Miso in first- it goes last because it cannot be cooked. It destroys the fermentation– IDK- I’m not gonna pretend to know- I’m a student. lol
~~Pre soaked Mung Beans 2 days before. Mung beans are the most easily digested on the beans. One day would be fine. (2 days for Adzuki beans though in my opinion) I soak my beans with Cumin spice and then I dump the soaked water. I’ll let them pre sprout too until I start the soup.
~~I made a cup of brown rice with over double the water. I love Turmeric in my rices, Chopped fresh ginger. Some ginger tea flakes and a drop of Japanese hot pepper
~~When the rice is almost done—-I added another 2 cups or more of water, chopped onions and diced carrots and tossed them in on top of the rice. (Any latina would have a heart attack right there because it would mess up their rice– where is the rice going anyway haha)
~~ I clean some seaweed in water and then cut it well otherwise the pieces are too long. I used Kelp or Dulse- (I have also used Kombu but it’s a stronger taste and my non healthy friends were over so ya know)
~~ Threw in the seaweed.
~~ I love spices- In went a little Cumin, Black Pepper, Sea Salt, Garlic powder
~~ Added the drained beans. You can use any beans– but do include it because then you are doubling the protein power.
~~ Now triple the protein and add tofu- 1/3 to 1/2 the tofu pack.
~~ Cook it low for a bit– til the rice finishes (HAHA)
~~ In a separate bowl; mix warm but not boiling water with the MISO PASTE. I do a heaping tablespoon to a pint of liquid- about – but IDK for sure ( I think I used 3 big ones in my medium pot)!
~~ When it’s dissolved, mix it into the pot for no more than 2 minutes on low heat. SO DELICIOUS & healthy– I think
I’m writing these recipes mostly so I remember them for myself — and some friends. If anyone else wants to add to them or has info– it’s all welcomed!
This is my first time doing any of this- I’ll try to write out the ingredients better next time and measurements. I also want to jot down the swordfish recipe that Tammy made the other day and the split pea soup I just had with paprika, sea salt & garlic oil. yummmy tchau! Gotta go to work!
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