Vegan day 16: Raw vegan in Brooklyn @ RAWSTAR

Eat it raw! 

My goal is to strive towards a 60% raw diet and 80% alkaline diet for optimum health. I have a lot of goals though so one thing at a time. lol Eating raw and alkaline produces incredible results for the body. An acidic environment can lead to many conditions and diseases. Most fruits and vegetables are on the higher side of the alkalinity charts.  Our bodies are amazing at balancing our health. We have built in mechanisms through homeostasis which keep everything functioning properly; in the case of pH: our blood is between 7.35-7.45. The body works to balance this through neutralizing or eliminating the acids. When this system is unbalanced or cannot be eliminated, then the acids stay in the cells causing damage. There are many programs, books and websites about eating alkaline- see a few below.  

Raw foodists eat only raw food. This basically includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, proteins etc   that are not cooked above a certain temperature (110-120 degrees) and that are not processed.  Cooking destroys vitamins, nutrients and enzymes necessary for proper digestion and assimilation. Raw food is actually a movement! In some parts of the country like California, this is growing with popularity. There are a few raw food restaurants in the New York City area. Raw foods can be vegan, vegetarian or carnivorous– but the raw vegan is the one that I am referencing today. 

I was actually on my way to the V Spot cafe in Brooklyn last night, when I found out they were temporarily closed for renovation. I will talk more about this place later in the blog. Just so you know, I will probably hit most of the vegan restaurants in New York City by the year end of this blog– yay!! 

My awesome 
in Brooklyn

I looked up vegan places near this one and found RAWSTAR! Rawstar is located @ 681 Washington Ave in Brooklyn (between Prospect Ave and St. Marks Place). This place is raw, vegan, soy, wheat and gluten free. Yes I had to ask about ingredients — lol– and she kept saying the same thing– It’s RAW!! lol I can be a pain in the ass– noted! She had suggested the lasagna and as a self-committed “pastaholic” and cheese addict- this made me nervous! It was insane though!

The meal I had last night and was hoping to share with you today as I ate the leftovers included 4 items from appetizer to dessert. The bad thing… or good thing.. I guess because the portions were appropriately sized.. is that I HAVE NO LEFTOVERS at all! I even tried to order one to go but they were out by that point. I will share it with you anyway:

Justin wrapCollard greens, red bell peppers, walnuts, macadamia, cucumber, kale, celery, basil and garlic
Veggie pizzaSunflower seeds, pesto, tomato paste, nut cheese, hebs and lots of veggies
LasagnaMushrooms, celery, onion, bell pepper, sun dried tomato, pine nuts, macademia, plantains, zucchini, parsley and coconut

Strawberry cheesecakeamazing!

I can’t wait to go back!

This is a small cozy spot with delicious raw vegan food. The owners are from Trinidad and prepare the dishes with many spices. They have a delivery menu and you can order online

For general information:

ACID/ ALKALINITY Quick Reference Charts
Acid-Alkaline Diet

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