Vegan day 23: Green Smoothie from the Doctor Oz show
I love watching The Doctor Oz show!
I actually keep notes lol- geek hahaha!
My list of things to do or try from his show is really growing. The other day he had the “Fantastic Four” on– Doctors who were sharing tips about hormones, inflammation, thyroid, fat metabolism, brain functions and diabesity (love that word– combo of diabetes and obesity.)
Dr. Wendy Warner recommends this shake for her clients for fat blasting and symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. I am always interested when I hear fat burning.. especially when referencing “belly fat”! This was also of interest to me because I made a veggie “shake” only once– and I really did not like it at all. I am a more of a “juicer” type person but I like to keep an open mind. If this will help me take in my greens without loosing any pulp on top of it all— I’m so in!!!!!GREEN SMOOTHIE
Swiss chard- 1cup
Blueberries- 1 cup (they said 1/2 but I love blueberries/ mixed berries)
Brazil nuts- a couple; I used walnuts
Flaxseeds- 1T (I used ones that I had already grounded plus I used a little more 1 1/2)
Green tea- 2 cups (let it cool first/ maybe use refrigerated green tea made earlier)
I liked it and I hope it will grow on me more as I interchange my leafy greens: spinach, collards, mustard greens, kale etc. Some say not to mix vegetables and fruit– I think I have said that too lol; however, do as you must to get the greens in daily!
I love the addition of cooled green tea to my shakes. This pulls me off the non dairy milks a little bit. It’s good to switch things up plus the green tea is definitely a booster.
Note to self– if I add stevia again- read the label!!!! I went into a sugar high of some sort. I had stevia extract in my refrigerator that I don’t think I ever used. I took 1/2 t – 1t and mixed it in as if it were agave or powdered stevia. Afterwards, lol the label said “a couple drops”. Stevia is a wonderful alternative sweetener but still “read the label”.
Organic’ Lifestyle Magazine’s Healthy Sugar Alternatives
Tasted better than it looks…