Vegan day 25: Chickpea & edamame salad
My Mom always made great tasting, healthy and balanced meals– the only thing is, I was never really a salad or vegetable person to really notice. Over the years, I have been in and out of vegetarian and vegan eating. During these times, I realized that I didn’t have to beg my Mom to make anything special when I came over because… it was always an option anyway! Over the holidays she made this one- it’s a recipe shared from a friend of hers.
Chickpea & Edamame Salad
Chick peas– Making them from scratch is always best; if you are in a hurry, try the organic canned ones. Although I’m not a big fan of anything canned, I do believe that eating canned beans is healthier than eating no beans at all!
Edamame– And these were frozen lol; I’m more in favor of frozen over canned- at least the frozen foods get packaged right away and I believe have less preservatives.
Red bell peppers (or orange or yellow)- The more colors the better! Not only does it look pretty but it’s actually healthy to get an array of colors- each holds different nutrients for our bodies. Go for the rainbow when choosing your vegetables and fruits!
Dried cranberries
Olive oil- extra virgin cold pressed (or healthy oil of your choice)
Red wine vinegar
Apple cider vinegar
Additional spices: Salt, pepper, cumin, rosemary
A touch of sugar– Boy did we fight over this one; Mom’s always win though so I splashed it with brown sugar.
(I didn’t use the cumin or rosemary but they both sound good. Spices add wonderful flavors and nutrients to most dishes.)
I may use occasional salt but I prefer to keep kelp granules around for seasoning.
Check out these cute videos for kids abouting eating the colors of the rainbow –The rainbow song and eggplant chips. I want to make them!
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