Vegan day 48: GOBO NYC dining experience
Who am I to turn down a vegan dinner date — or double date for that matter! More food to photograph! I’m wondering if it’s becoming increasing embarrassing to dine with me– I am thinking so!
Well, that’s not going to stop me from ordering all the healthy items on the menu nor will it stop be from taking pictures- flash on or flash off! We went to GOBO NYC tonight, vegetarian dining! It’s my 3rd time there and I’d have to say this one was the best! GOBO has bubble teas! lol- only bubble tea fans will get excited about that. They also have a full organic juice bar, great tea choices and organic wines. Today I needed a juice and a tea- and then the ordering began!
Starters included pine nut vegetable medley lettuce wraps, kale seaweed salad with toasted walnuts, tofu rolls with mayo puree, and iron skillet roasted vegetables! I so need to learn how to make vegetables like this- I wonder if they take interns!
Entrees included grilled soy fillets with mushrooms and curry, butternut squash risotto with toasted almonds and soy protein and cashew spinach rolls!
I try to avoid the fillets because I don’t like to do too many soy products. This dish was enticing though and quite delicious. It reminded me of Chicken McNuggets or vice a versa. What’s really in Chicken McNuggets anyway?
Does anyone really know for sure- I will tell you what’s not in it and that’s straight up PURE CHICKEN! If you want to know what they are made of– check out the links below especially the Jamie Oliver video for kids. I stay away from risotto’s too. That’s just a fancy word for pasta/ rice! However, this one was gluten free- made from quinoa!
The dish of the evening was the soy protein and cashew spinach rolls– presentation and taste- unbelievable! Just wondering though why vegetarian and vegan places (not GOBO) like to “look” like meat or have names that “sound” like meat– or even “taste” like meat for that matter. Is it to appeal to the non-vegan? If so ok- whatever it takes to get someone to not eat meat for even a day or a meal. Almost 700 million animals a day die to become our so called food. That’s appalling not too mention how it’s killing our ecosystems and environment. Personally for me– please don’t call it meat- or make it look like meat- or make it taste like meat! (Although I did fall into the trap of the spinach rolls looking like rack of lamb.)
“Just because it’s VEGAN, doesn’t mean it’s calorie-free”- it’s certainly fun to enjoy this food with friends, do a tasting sampler and keep the portions small. It’s amazing what beautiful creations these restaurants can make– saving the animals — and increasing your health for the most part! GOBO is among my favorites for healthy vegan food!
No dessert today for me- what a miracle!