Vegan day 68: Blood regenerator juice
This juice focuses on blood building properties. It’s high in vitamin C and iron. Vitamin C is necessary for the absorption and metabolism of iron by the cells. This juice is also rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, folate, manganese and other vitamins, minerals, carotenoids and flavonoids.
Blood regenerator
(modified only slightly from the recipe in “Juicing for Life” by Cherie Calbom, M.S. and Maureen Keane M.S., C.N.)
Personally I would use two cups of the spinach and kale, one cup of parsley, about 6 carrots and 1/2 of a turnip. What is a turnip? I didn’t know- I mistakenly bought a parsnip instead lol.These vegetables in this recipe are juiced in a juicer. Once again, I consumed the meal before taking the pictures- something I tend to do at times. These pictures are from the internet.
If you are concerned about blood regeneration like I am , then perhaps
circulatory issues are of interest as well. Dietary and lifestyle modifications could include to: (Calbom/ Keane 1992)
- Eat a diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, sprouts and lean proteins
- Include fiber in the diet; anywhere from 25-35 grams is commonly suggested; some wellness experts like Dr. Andrew Weil suggest even higher amounts
- Avoid high-fat animal products
- Reduce refined foods especially white flour and white sugar
- Minimize stimulants such as coffee, black tea, sodas and tobacco
- Minimize alcohol
- Limit spicy foods
- Supplement if necessary or desired with B- complex vitamins, germanium and chlorophyll (consult with a doctor, naturopath or nutritionist first)
- Exercise for your cardiovascular system- aim for 4 times a week; 30 minutes at a time
- Go for a massage to improve circulation

- Practice daily dry-brushing at home; start in small circles from the feet upwards lightly brushing away dead skin cells and stimulating the lymph; use a natural bristle brush not nylon
- It’s beneficial to focus on iron rich foods to consume the RDA amount; be sure to consult with a doctor, naturopath or nutritionist first if you are taking iron supplements.
- TIP: if you want to increase your iron- try blackstrap molasses!
For more information on dry brushing:
Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
[Thursday, March 8th 2012 blog]