Vegan day 84: Trinity roots rice
Healthatarian— when I thought of this word, it was all about eating for health purposes- making choices to increase nutritional benefits. This begins with eliminating or reducing foods that take away from health. I have finally come to enjoy eating healthy- fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, sprouts and lean proteins. I further believe in herbs– the kind we drink as teas, take as tinctures or supplements and those used for culinary purposes. Culinary herbalism is an art that goes back throughout history. Cooking or preparing foods with spices and herbs not only gives it flavor but added health benefits- some would even say medicinal! This is one reason that I may use herbs like ginger, ginseng or astragalus in my meals. Really, I am a beginner in the world of herbology and it’s simply FASCINATING! I am currently enrolled in Holistic Health which I will be extending through to an HERBALIST program- I absolutely love it. There is so much to learn though– and one day I came across an online class at CULINARY HERBALISM lead by K.P. Khalsa. He is a co-author of one of the book: The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs. One of the recipes in this online class called for TRINITY RICE. I made it the first time with ghee. Ghee is clarified butter made by melting butter and skimming the top off. Ghee is not vegan so this time I substituted it with my favorite extra virgin coconut oil. Next time I make it- I will use half what I did this time. Butter.. ghee.. oil.. it’s still FAT and FATTENING in quantity (ghee probably having the least amount)- I am open to suggestions for vegan alternatives! “TRINTY ROOTS” is the name given to the 3 popular basics in herbology and in cooking: onions, garlic and ginger!
Trinity Roots Rice
Onions- 2 medium sized
Garlic- 2 cloves
Ginger root- 1 inch peeled and chopped finely
Rice- 1 cup (I used brown)
Ghee 1/2 cup – 3/4 (not vegan) therefore you need a substitute in a lesser amount. I used 1/2 cup of extra virgin coconut oil- next time I will do only 1/4!
Tomato- 1 chopped
Vegetables 4-5 cups- I used bell peppers, and extra tomatoes kale
Saute the onion, garlic and ginger in the vegan oil of choice until they are soft. Then add the vegetables, rice and 4 cups of water. Cover and simmer on low heat.
Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
[Saturday 24th 2012 blog]