Vegan day 87: Maple mustard and tahini glazed carrots
Where does one find TAHINI while up in the mountains?? I’m away for a few days with CLEAN START so yes I’m craving to prepare more than one recipe– and that’s why I’m out of a few ingredients as well. If you want things like mirin, vegenaise, special flours and I’m sorry to say TAHINI- then you must pack them ahead of time! I’m so loving this way of cooking but I have to be careful of these sauces- just a little too delicious if you know what I mean!
It’s almost adventurous so seek out ingredients or when that fails– ingredient substitutes. That’s where the creativity and brainstorming comes in. First was the search for maple syrup grade B— well we lucked out being in the land of maple syrup makers. That was easy to find– local and fresh too! Tahini was another story. At least they had heard of tahini- I can’t say the same for myself only but a few years ago. So how do you substitute tahini— not very easily because it has a unique taste. My friends wanted to use tamari or sesame seeds. I felt the tamari would be too salty and of course- sesame seeds were not readily available either. Even if they were, how does one get from the sesame seed to the tahini- I know- I have to google it.. and I will. Meantime, I used what first came to mind when I tried tahini and that is peanut butter- SCORE!
Maple mustard and tahini glazed carrots
1 pound of baby carrots
2T maple syrup
1T whole grain mustard
1t of tahini
1t lemon juice
sea salt to taste
The picture in the book I must admit is way better but these tasted so good I didn’t really mind!
Walters, T. 2010. Clean Start. Inspiring You to Eat Clean and Live Well. New York, NY: Sterling Epicure
Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
[Tuesday 27th 2012 blog]