Vegan day 95: Fingerling potatoes and brussels sprouts
I guess somewhere along the line I dropped the hot potato! I pretty much took it out of my diet. Perhaps I too was brainwashed from the low carb craze most popular during the days of the Atkin’s Diet but which still exists today. Or maybe, it was the fact that I ate potatoes in the form of french fries dipped in ketchup with salt or mashed with butter and oil or baked with sour cream, butter and who knows what else! I think potatoes and I got off to a bad start with the change in my eating lifestyle and quest for health!
I have come to realize actually, that potatoes can be healthy when grown without pesticides, purchased organically or even locally, and prepared in a simple manner. Potatoes are actually quite alkaline as well. Potato skin broth is often recommended for people who need to bring their over acidic body conditions back into balance. All that being said, I have reentered the potato back into my diet. Let’s face it- as a vegan, there may come a time when that baked potato will be the only edible food on the menu in a non-vegan restaurant with perhaps a side of lettuce or broccoli! The potato may just save the day. Potatoes are:
- Rich in starch for energy
- High in dietary fiber- fiber is especially important for those suffering with constipation, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
- Rich in B vitamins
- Great source of vitamin C
“The potato is a tuber vegetable native to South America that belongs to the nightshade family with the tomato, eggplant and pepper. It has the distinction of thriving agriculturally in poor climate and soil conditions. The potato has a long history of culinary use beginning with the Incas. Today, a baked potato provides a side or main culinary dish in meals. It also provides a variety of nutrients that contribute to a healthy diet.”
“A medium-sized baked potato that weighs about six ounces provides 4.3 g protein, or 9 percent of the 50 g FDA daily requirement. The potato contains a higher level of protein compared than most other vegetables. The body needs complete protein that contains all essential amino acids to build enzymes and tissues in the body. Most vegetable protein sources, including the potato, are missing at least one amino acid. The protein it provides is considered incomplete and must be consumed with a complementary protein source like beans and quinoa.”
“A baked white potato provides 3.8 g fiber, or 15 percent of the 25 g FDA recommended daily value. The fiber in the diet is essential for supporting the body’s digestive system. It stimulates intestinal contractions that move waste through the digestive tract. A fiber deficiency contributes to constipation and irregular bowel movements.”
“A white baked potato contains 926 mg potassium, or 27 percent of the 3,500 mg daily value. The body needs potassium to contract the heart muscle and balance the level of water inside and outside of cells. The mineral may also reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure because it balances the fluid level in the body.”

Fingerling potatoes and
brussels sprouts!
Preheat the oven to 400. Clean both of these vegetables well. Then cut the brussels sprouts in half. I combined them in a baking dish topped with some sun dried tomatoes and extra virgin coconut oil. Bake them until the potatoes are soft enough- about 45 minutes.
Brussel sprouts are incredibly healthy as mentioned in a previous blog.
Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
[Wednesday April 4th 2012 blog]