Vegan day 104: Tofu Shirataki noodles
OK baby steps! I eliminated pasta as one of my cardinal rules back over two years ago. It’s not that pasta is the worst thing for you because obviously in the right portion and with the right combinations, pasta can be considered healthy for sure- especially the whole grain and various types now available. For me it was a binge type food. Getting started on the road to health for many people does mean removing the major indulgences which will eventually open new doors for exciting and creative new foods. My first detour back towards noodles was the miracle rice- you see the word pasta is not even on the package lol. Then I moved to Konjac linguine and now the shirataki noodle. All of these are similar in that they contain glucomannan from konjac root. The difference with today’s noodle dish is that it contains soy as well. The only reason I will not continue to buy these is because they’re not GMO-FREE. Anyway- take a look at what I made today and the other night. A friend of mine was so kind to pick these up for me to try!
Tofu Shirataki miso soup with seaweed
Shirataki noodles
This is a simple and nutritious dish. I boiled some water with onions. I prepped 3 things:
- I rinsed and soaked the seaweed
- I rinsed the noodles
- I put 1T of miso in a cup of warm water to dissolve
Once the opinions had softened, I added the seaweed and then the noodles. Five minutes later, I lowered the heat and added the dissolved miso for ONLY 2 more minutes. Delicious!
The photo here is from a few days ago- I made these noodles almost the same as yesterdays blog. Yesterday was healthier because the noodles were GMO-FREE, soy free and I had included swiss chard lightly steamed.
Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
[Friday April 13th 2012 blog]