Vegan 110: Apple with peanut butter

You call them snacks- I call them meals! 
After eating out for a few days, I like to take it easy! Simplicity is key- it was one of the keys to my weight-loss. When you eat smaller meals with less ingredients and at more frequent intervals, it’s easier for your body to tackle digestion and assimilation. “K-I-S-S” keep it simple stupid– it didn’t just come out of nowhere nor for no reason! lol 
Whenever you feel off- or I should say when I feel off- this is when I kick back to the simple stuff. I make simple meals and simple snacks and I do not dine out! 

I will focus the next three blogs on simple vegan snacks! Remember, I didn’t say they weren’t caloric- just that they are simple… and healthy!

APPLE with peanut butter and chocolate

That apple slicer is amazing– I remember jumping for joy when someone bought it for me as a gift. It’s the simple things in life that make me happy too! And chocolate of course! I never would have dreamed years ago that I could eat chocolate everyday. I wasn’t even a hugh chocolate fan back then. I was literally a sugar freak- in the form of straight up candy. I would get mesmerized by the colorful packaging as each candy called me out by name. The interesting thing is that these companies spend millions of dollars creating marketing campaigns to do just this persuasion on children- so not right! I saw the most magnificent isle in the Shop Rite by my Mom’s house- a CANDY FREE ISLE! lol oh thank goodness they didn’t have those when I was a kid! Luckily, now I only experience that whirlwind when I am in the vegan chocolate isle of a really good health food store like the Westerly on 52nd street and 5th avenue! 

Anyway back to my apple- 
AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY! Apples are also great for digestion. They are a good source of vitamin C, carotenoids, flavonoids and phytosterols- they are a raw food, alkaline and contain important fiber. Apples are on the EWG list of highly sprayed fruits and vegetables so do buy organic… and local for that matter. There is no need to buy apples from China- this results in high fossil fuel usage for no reason. I love the Chinese culture, my chinese herbs and teas- but no need to get apples when I live in New York State!

Oh… the peanut butter! Yes it has some saturated fat but for me- it’s my protein! It’s better to buy your peanut butter organic- you can even try other nut butters such as almond butter and cashew butter. One day this year- I will make my own from scratch!

10 Easy TIPS to go GREEN

Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
[Thursday April 19th 2012 blog]

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