Vegan day 139: STOGO (Ice Cream) NYC

Yes it’s been an East Village kind of week! One more stop before I go to work after having some vegan pizza at Viva Herbal Pizzeria – it was onto STOGO for the first time! Stogo is an ice cream shop that keeps popping up in my Happy Cow App on my phone! The other night, while out and about in the East Village, I ran into the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop. This is what started my ice cream craving- the line was out the door. I peaked into the cute shop, looked around and wondered to myself… that’s nice BUT IS IT VEGAN? lol I don’t care if it’s gay.. lol I want vegan ice cream! I was so happy to find STOGO- like a kid who just chased down an ice cream truck after running 3 blocks! Did you ever wonder why the ice cream truck jingle has never changed? I think about things like that- I mean there are far catchier songs and jingles but it’s just untouched! It reminds me of singing “Happy Birthday”… why do some things never change? Change is good! lol
Unfortunately… or fortunately for me, there was no line! STOGO is gourmet organic dairy-free ice cream. The SALTED CARMEL PECAN is what I tested right away– immediately, I was like YES YES YES.. that’s the one I want! It was simply incredible. Honestly, it was even better than my favorite Baskin & Robbins Ice Cream flavors- pralines & cream and butter pecan! It was too good to be true, which reminds me that I wanted a six pack last year but all this sugar is giving me a belly. I just went to both of my doctors last week for routine check ups. I asked both if there was anything wrong with my stomach or my ovaries because I have this belly fat that won’t quit- it’s getting worse (a little bit lol). I heard those dreadful words that I cursed for 20 years- “diet and exercise”! I’m like “really.. cut me some slack”.. I lost 50 lbs– does it ever stop? No, not really! I mean could I get lipo to remove this belly fat and love handles? Sure.. but it kind of goes against everything I believe in for myself. I believe the body talks to us-
mine is saying STOP EATING SUGAR! lol If she was wrong.. perhaps I would consider the LIPO to remove excess fat but the body is generally not wrong! Our only problem and mine personally is that we/ I don’t listen!
So this mean’s cutting my sweets in half or saying NO occasionally.
“JUST SAY NO to drugs and alcohol” is something we repeatedly say to the kids. We don’t think of SUGAR as a drug but let me tell you something… IT IS! I will post some really informative video links below about sugar.
So back to my vegan six pack which I want but am not close to lol- it’s going to take tightening up the diet and more core work at the gym.. and more abs!
Here are a few links that I will checking out and following!
Marzia Prince
Marcella Torres
Robert Cheeke
Derek Tresize
Brandon Brazier
Kenneth G. Williams
Famous Vegetarian or VEGAN Bodybuilders Athletes
The Hidden Story of Big Sugar
Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
Great post…. I think it's on the money. I was wondering what the vegan ice cream is made with. Soy? And I don't fully understand beside that it's the most genetically modified food out there, why it's now consider harmful.
I believe it's soy but this place is organic.. therefor it's not GMO. Processed soy like any processed food is not good for you really. The soy debate itself goes on and on. I say– stick to unfermented soy products like some tofu, tempeh, natto, miso, shoyu etc; the rest in moderation – if anyone is moderate lol!
Take a tofu class with me– we can learn how to make tofu and such from scratch! GOURMET INSTITUTE!