Vegan day 142: Sprouted tofu, tomato, hummus wrap

It seems people are always on the go, myself included– no doubt about it! Sometimes I just want to grab or make something quick and easy. I actually believe it’s healthier too- to just keep it simple. Today I wanted a wrap with some tofu when I got home from the gym. There was no need to be fancy and cook it. I used sprouted tofu chopped into small rectangular pieces. I put spicy hummus on a whole wheat wrap with some fresh tomatoes, salt and pepper!
I love to over hear what body builders at the gym say about food- they put the idea in my head that you can eat anything after a work out. “It’s the best time to eat carbs because your body can burn it right away”.. and that you have to “replenish your body with protein within 45 minutes.” I don’t know- don’t tell me I can eat anything because then I will! That’s why I generally grab a Justin’s vegan peanut butter cup from the vegetable market right next to the gym. However my workouts are far from extreme so perhaps I should just skip those snacks or keep them occasional. But the protein part… that stayed in my mind and I do believe it’s good to get protein meals in, although of course, as stated many times before, I believe the quantity is over-rated a bit. This wrap was just what I was craving and actually pretty high in protein between the tofu and the hummus. Sprouted tofu is a little different then regular tofu. They come packaged the same, they are both cholesterol free, low in sodium and high in protein- but the sprouted tofu is made from sprouted soybeans as opposed to whole soybeans. This makes the tofu more nutritious and easier to digest. There is even a slightly higher iron content at about 10% of the RDA. Tofu is becoming more and more accepted- I would absolutely love for this to be an option everywhere that meat is offered. I would think that the fancier the restaurant, the more creative the tofu dish would be. While I am dreaming, let me go so far as to hope that one day, this tofu that is offered everywhere … would also be organic so that this vegan doesn’t have to worry about consuming GMOs DAILY! Speaking of large scale tofu distribution… where does one buy this in bulk? Not as in the quantity of packages that I could buy but the size. I am going away next weekend and want to cook for everyone. I guess I can just get it by the case. Better yet, it’s time to sign up for a TOFU CLASS— I want to make it from scratch!