Vegan day 145: Bok choy over spicy sesame flavored miracle rice

I enjoy making the miracle noodles and rice (konjac) for other people since it’s not a common ingredient to work with. I wanted to prepare some bok choy as well so I decided to combine the two. I started with a small base of sesame oil and tamari with the miracle rice in the sauté pan. I added the chopped bok choy over the top and some chili paste. I’m spending time with my nephews and their friends these next few days so it’s interesting to see what vegan foods they like. I made one portion “nut” free since we had someone eating who had allergies. The rest I topped with chopped cashews. They liked it except it could have been less spicy for them. I guess that craving for super spicy foods grows with us.. wait.. aren’t these the same kids who took the buffalo wing “suicide” test with me just a few years ago. I think I was played lol. They did say it was really good and these kids don’t lie- I mean really… they were hoping it wasn’t good so they didn’t have to admit they liked anything vegan. I guess it just wasn’t as “fun” as the “suicide sauce” challenge. Next time I’ll position it as “bok choy with suicide sauce” although it doesn’t quite have the same ring.
This was a quick and easy hit! From start to finish this was under 5 minutes!
Bok choy over spicy sesame flavored miracle rice
Miracle rice
Sesame oil
Boy choy
Chili paste
Past blogs of mine with konjac products:
Konjac linguine Italian style
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