Vegan day 167: David’s Tea on Bleecker Street

I am 12 days behind in my blog. Someone said to me yesterday.. “well that’s ok everyone is behind in their blogs right now”. I said.. “well mine is a daily blog” lol No excuses there! The reality though is that like many others, I am very busy. I committed to doing a one year blog which involves planning out my vegan choices, preparing them, eating… and other times dining out. Of course writing about it too and hopefully providing some helpful research for either myself or the reader.. or both. I am in school finishing up a diploma in Holistic Health Practitioner at ACHS. Within the last few months of a career I have been in for almost 20 years, I get an unexpected promotion and increase of responsibility. Add to that, the fact that June is my busiest month of the year.. and there you have it.. 12 days behind in my blog— not in the experiences… but in the writing. I could either catch up.. or call it quits!
I wish I could say I’m not a quitter, however many an “X” would raise an eyebrow. I don’t wish to quit though! This is my passion- so I will continue in order of my experiences and catch up. The exception will be today since I had such a great time at David’s Tea on Bleecker Street. I will start up here and then catch up on my past blog experiences that I haven’t written out yet – and they are good ones – I did plenty of dehydration and juicing the last 2 weeks with my new equipment. Hopefully I will catch up soon.
I was mesmerized the second I walked in. I guess if you are reading my blog for the first time, it might be helpful to know that I was a major coffee drinker and loved my Ketel One and clubs. That being said, over the past few years I have moved away from those indulgences over to teas. I am studying herbology- actually, my current class text is Medical Herbalism. I love this stuff! David’s Tea offered a bit more than your average tea shop. Their background of teas is really thorough and customers are able to really see and smell the samples close up. David’s offers specially crafted teas, blends or collections which are grouped according to their base: white tea, green tea, oolong tea, black tea, pu’erh, mate, rooibos, herbal tea and ayurvedic tea.
I was so excited and drawn in that I bought a few different ones to take home:
Licorice Twist (herbal)
Gyokuro Yamashiro (green)
Happy Kombucha (oolong)
Organic The Skinny (oolong)
Chai Guarana (black)
I have been in many tea shops and it’s easy to get lost in the different blends of leaves and plants. I prefer medicinals as well. I like to know that I am drinking teas which for the most part, are good for me. I felt here they that were well informed and that some medicinal effects were brought into the choices for the collections. Some people drink teas for the taste or feeling.. and other for the various benefits.
Yesterday I was in the mood for a chai tea. After searching their informative website, I think it was the organic jade oolong chai. I definitely went on smell and taste- it was so flavorful.
Today I am enjoying the happy kombucha! I am happy! Each tea packet that you buy also has the name of the tea, ingredients and instructions all on a sticker. Great packaging, design and simplicity. I know what also got my attention – the beautiful glass travel mugs. Oh… shopping… that’s a whole-nother indulgence!
Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
[Friday June 15th 2012 blog]
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