Vegan day 186: Dehydrated fruit

It was perfect timing since the girls were with me to assist! Dehydration takes preparation.. time and care!

We used apples, strawberries and peaches– all their choice! The apples are cored and then sliced as evenly as possible to keep dehydration times the same.
One difference between this and a professional dehydrator is that the more advanced ones have a built-in fan to keep the air circulating and to prevent bacteria which gravitates to warm and moist environments. You can also control the temperature. With raw food preparation, it is good to set the dehydrator on 105 degrees. I will give you a sneak preview of my other dehydrator (to the right) that I purchased recently. I used it in the earlier blogs of spicy sunflower seeds and tamari almonds.
We had to manual rotate the trays with this dehydrator. I have to confess.. we kind of liked that.. each time we would taste it to see if it was done. After 24 hours- there is no picture because WE ATE EVERYTHING! lol
Cantaloupe JUICE
Later in the day, another friend helped with the healthy food and drinks for the holiday. We bought fresh cantaloupes from the farm stand on route 28 in Ulster County. They cut up the cantaloupe and added filtered water. I think they may have dropped some sugar in there but luckily I only have raw and organic sugars on hand! It was super refreshing! Thanks everyone!
Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
[Wednesday July 4th 2012 blog]
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