Vegan day 198: Immune-Enhancing Herbal Truffles

This was an assignment for my herbology class at ACHS. We are studying diaphoretic herbs of which there are two types: Stimulating and relaxing. “Stimulating” diaphoretic herbs affect the nerves to the sudoriferous glands resulting in an increase in perspiration. “Relaxing” diaphoretic herbs affect the periphery sensory nerves which then dilate the capillaries and blood vessels. This increased blood flow results too in increased perspiration. (ACHS 2012). Overall, diaphoretic herbs are used to promote sweating. There are also helpful in reducing a fever. Two of these herbs, astragalus and elderberry, are used in this formula which is a popular recipe to help people to prevent colds and flu during these seasons. Astragalus has been used as an immune tonic for centuries. It is helpful for colds and flu due to it’s immune building properties and it’s warming/ stimulating diaphoretic properties. Diaphoretic herbs are contraindicated with cathartic herbs which could result in an excessive loss of fluid. Cathartic herbs are used for elimination purposes purging the body and intestines of toxins. These are used as laxatives and in colon cleanses. Elderberry is popular for colds and flu due to it’s flavonoid and vitamin C content. It’s also a stimulating diaphoretic and therefore, commonly added to cold formulas. “There are many ways of using elderberry, more precisely in antioxidant activity, improvement of vision, lowering cholesterol, improvement of heart health, boosting of immune system, and flu, bacterial and viral infections, colds, tonsilitis and colds.” (The World of Herbs).
I added the dry herbs to a large mixing bowl. I used astragalus powder instead of the bark. I was going to grind the bark pieces I had myself but I have done this before without any luck of getting a very fine powder. Maca is a powerful superfood. I actually added half of the amount since macs is very specialized and expensive. For the elderberry, I used the dried berries from the herb shop and grinded them myself in a coffee grinder. The vitamin C I would do differently next time. I used emergence C packets. I think I less “tart” vitamin C from a vitamin shop may have better results. The almond butter I bought in an organic health food store along with grade B organic maple syrup. I added the coconut flakes and cacao for fun!
I couldn’t resist eating one right away! It was more tasty than I thought it would be. The berries and the vitamin C both came through powerfully. I might even use a drop less of both next time. I brought them to work. Some people loved them and others though they were just a bit tart. The vitamin C packets I used were lemon-lime so that could be why. The dosage of 3 to 4 a day during flu and cold season is recommended in the recipe.
*Other favorites of mine for cold and flu purpose would include infusions of yarrow and peppermint or thyme and sage.
ACHS. 2012. Study Guide HERB 201
World of Herbs. The Benefits of Elderberry. Retrieved from