Vegan day 257: Rockin Raw, NYC

Due to information overload, I am not quite sure where I saw the link that Rockin Raw is now located in NYC. I had heard of Rockin Raw but this was news to me– and pleasant at that! Raw is on the rise! I think the vegan and raw movement is underway in NYC although, of course, there is alot of awareness and education that still needs to get out there. There are 2 new raw restaurants that I just heard of and Organic Avenues are popping up more quickly than garden weeds. 

Even better for me was that this restaurant is located in the heart of Greenwich Villageare we getting our own “vegan row” on the west side– one only can only hope! Of course, after learning this great news, I rushed right over- it is their 9th day of business in NYC, formerly located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. 

ROCKIN RAW: 171 Sullivan Street
I never say “surprise me”, but that’s how good everything looked and I loved the energy of our food server/ owner. I happen to like when owners are “hands on”. You can really tell that they are in it for the love of raw food and educating others. By the time we left, I had personal tips for my own dehydrated flax crackers and the key lime pie I am about to make within the next week! Indulgences- they just never end- and thank goodness!

I started with an incredible berry freeze made with ginger- nothing else because I asked like 3x- a perfect healthy pick me up!
The “cheezy burrito” was the recommended entree (instagramed above/ vitamingee)- a house favorite! This was most likely chosen for me because I have been ordering too many lasagnas and pastas lately. I will be back for lasagna though- probably within the week! One experience and I am already addicted!
My friend ordered a raw boy burger and the jambalaya. Mostly everything is raw but they did have a warm vegan surprise today. 
Everything was really deliciousflavorful and healthy. It makes you just want to sit there and figure our how everything is prepared. That curiosity led us to a discussion on breads. When you learn how to master raw vegan bread making- look out! Terri, from Rockin Raw, said that she teaches classes there too– SIGN ME UP!!!!!
We ended with some green tea and desserts- but of course! We had the red velvet mini-cake and some ice cream. Actually we took the ice cream to go because it was their brand name ice cream all packaged in a container. It’s not like we weren’t full anyway. Terri also gave us a special dessert to take home: chocolate fudge cake. 
Thinking back now on everything I ate- I can no longer believe that this vegan woman I once met at an organic raw vegan spot months ago had told told me “calories don’t matter if it’s raw”

I super almost believed this — but no more! lol Well, truth be told, there is something to this way of thinking. When I was eating ONLY RAW– for example, I didn’t have to worry about eating larger portions of avocado or olive oil. However dining out is another ball game. If you over-indulge, no matter what it is.. you will push your stomach to expand and play with your cell’s systematic routine.

It’s best to eat as simple as possible- just save half of everything for later in the day. It’s good to space the food out. One huge plus about RAW food is that it won’t get cold!

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 Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
[Thursday, September 13th 2012 blog]
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