Vegan day 261: Birthday cake from VEGAN TREATS

Speaking of birthdays— mine is in September! The 22nd to be exact and yes this blog is behind.. again! Remind me to NEVER do a DAILY blog ever again!
Every year for many years my Mom would make me strawberry shortcake for my birthday. There was never a question of what I wanted and she of course made it THE BEST- because only a Mom can make a cake with all that motherly love built in! That really is my favorite, although I also used to be a fan of ice cream cakes as well. My early committments to eating healthy (only 3 years ago) began with no white flour.. but lets be real. I was talking about bread.. as if that’s not enough. I wasn’t talking about cake – let alone birthday cake. People love to correct me… asking “is that healthy?” I would end up saying exactly what they wanted to hear.. “I can make an excemption for birthday cake.” And honestly.. I can! Perhaps I should say that “I COULD” because now that I’m vegan- I WON’T! Flour is one thing .. milk, butter and eggs are another! Funny, it used to be the other way around. I’m happy to stand strong now though… now, its really all bout the animals and the system.
To get right to the point- with VEGAN TREATS and other vegan bakeries, one no longer has to make those sacrifices. Actually… its quite the reverse! It’s my birthday and I can have all the cake I want!
I went out of my way to order my birthday cake (VEGAN STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE) this year from the Philly based delicious and untouchable: VEGAN TREATS. Actually.. it’s located in Bethlehem, Philadelphia. I also ordered cupcakes- tell you about that tomorrow!
Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
[Monday, September 17th 2012 blog]
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