Vegetable SOUP TONIC

Vegetable Soup Tonic
It’s snowing here in New York- well, actually it’s a blizzard! There is really nothing better to do in these conditions but stay inside and keep warm. I was debating between making a juice or salad and then this overwhelming desire came over me to make something warm. I guess because I’m really cold especially in the winter. This began to happen after losing all that weight a couple of years ago. As much as I would love to go more raw, my body is saying “hey it’s cold outside so give me something warm!” Everyone is different and we all have to listen to our bodies! A warm soup it is!
I felt like doing something different this time as I actually do make soup quite frequently. First, if I haven’t said this already, whoever invented the crock pot- I want to give them the biggest hug ever! It just makes cooking soups and stews so much easier!
Before I get to today’s soup ingredients, I wanted to introduce the idea of adding herbs to the soup for immune strengthening properties. I chose ASTRAGALUS and AMERICAN GINSENG.
Astragalus Astragalus membranaceus is an extremely popular choice amongst the Chinese herbs to be used as an overall tonic to the body. It’s known to help increase energy and build the immune system against sickness and disease. “Astragalus has warming properties and is tonic to the spleen, kidneys, lungs and blood.” (Tierra 1998) It also balances the energy of the internal organs. It is a stimulant, a diuretic and a tonic.
American Ginseng Panax quinquefolius is another incredible tonic providing overall stimulation and strength to reduce stress and fatigue. The word “panax” comes from the Greek word “panacea” meaning a “cure all.” It is used for the immune system, digestion, energy, and for conditions such as those related to the nervous and cardiovascular systems. American Ginseng has cooling properties in the yin and yang principles, as opposed to Asian Ginseng’s warming effects. Balance is of great importance with regards to the health of our organs and systems. Ginseng is one of the most popular herbs for strength which is why I used it, however, it is interesting to look into the particular strings of Ginseng to best maximize your individuality!
Vegetable broth optional
Onions 1 medium
Garlic 1 clove
Parsley 1 small bunch
Potato 1- 2 medium
Turnip 1 small
Parsnip 1 small
Carrots 4 chopped
Leeks 1 regular
Bean mix 1 cup dry beans
Wild rice 1 cup
Astragalus sticks 3-4 long flat pieces
American Ginseng 4-5 small nugget types
Fill the crock pot 2/3 of the way with water or vegetable broth or a combination of the two. Then chop and add all the vegetables and the spices. Add the bean mix, rice and herbs. I admit that there is no art to this. Basically, what I want to say is put everything in the crock pot; go do something for 30-40 minutes like exercise, and then it will be ready to serve!
Tierra. M. 1998. The Way of Herbs. Pocket Books Health. New York, NY.
Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.