Tofu House Bayside

Tofu house.. what? Where’s the tofu?
I should have went with my basic gut instinct because as I was entering, it had that McDonalds’ like feel – like I thought I saw a children’s play area inside. I was thinking.. wow.. It looks like a Tofu McDonalds. I wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. The positive minded person that I am, found it good so I proceeded in. Actually, all in all the food was good. My complaints are worth mentioning anyway because the experience itself was odd. I’m wondering if this was a Korean restaurant but I’m really not sure. Some of the dishes seemed Korean like the BI BIM BAP. I’m highly spoiled when it comes to Korean food since two of my favorite restaurants happen to be both Korean and VEGAN (Franchia & Hangawi).
We ordered vegetarian style orders and next thing I know food was flying in front of us – raw eggs and dead fried fish with the eye balls itself looking at me. ME????? I panicked. Lol. She thought we ordered soup and so I guess that accompanied it. Ok… not a big problem. It was gone before I could scream Instagram. They sent out a complimentary array of appetizer type dishes. This was not just for us but it seemed customary for all. I enjoyed this part since most were vegan and healthy.
Then the main dishes came sizzling out in cast iron pots. There was no broth though. I didn’t remember BI BIM BAP being without some liquid. Small bowls were given on the side with some form of water like liquid. My friend threw hers in. I flashbacked in my head to a Japanese restaurant where people were slurping their noodle soups and that was actually the way to eat it. Sometimes I think things are odd but the are the norm – so I followed suit and threw it in. As I was stirring this food that looked delicious, I was wondering if that water was to wash your hands with. My friend says other people were dunking food into it. The manager happened to luckily walk by so we asked him and he said “meat water” with an accent. MEAT WATER! Ok I’m a high maintenance vegan but my friend was vegetarian so it wasn’t just me who jumped. We anxiously explained to him that we specifically ordered vegetarian so why would she give us that. He kindly apologized and soon after they came out again with round 2 of the deliciously looking BI BIM BAP.
Honestly, the food was amazing! I could do without the experience though so no more make believe Tofu Houses for me. The entrees all seemed to revolve around meat – there really was no emphasis at all on the tofu except that they did apparently carry it. “Tofu House”.. a real Tofu House.. a girl can dream.. right?