Vegan day 114: SEITAN from scratch; vital wheat gluten

SEITAN– I still do not pronounce it right lol! “Say-Tan” – listen for yourself here. It’ also called wheat meat, vegetarian white meat and also gluten. It’s made from wheat gluten.. the main protein in wheat, thereby making it high in protein itself. after cooking I have cooked with seitan before and ordered it in restaurants but i was truly inspired and determined […]

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Vegan day 105: Fermented red cabbage

Basic cabbage fermentation 101– not so basic really if you have never done this! I didn’t make this by myself- I made it with the class “The Miracle of Lacto-Fermentation by Peter Berley at the Natural Gourmet Institute for Food & Health. It seems difficult but I guess it really isn’t. 5 lbs of red cabbage3 tablespoons of sea saltI believe this is how […]

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