Vegan day 40: My Organic Avenue experience

My goal is to juice every day! 
I feel that it’s one of the best ways to start my day, creating a fresh vegetable juice made from fresh organic greens in combination with beets, carrots, ginger and an apple for added benefits and flavor. This has been a wonderful way for me to ensure I get greens into my body and in a raw, alkaline and power nutrient way!

How about juice bars though? I love my juice bars! Juice bars are very popular in New York City- you can generally find yourself within a few blocks of one. If you take juicing a bit more seriously, you most likely strive to find ones that utilize organic fruits and vegetables. Non-organic generally means there will be pesticide residues which later build up in your body creating both a toxic and acidic environment- perfect for the creation of disease- and ultimately one of the reasons you may be choosing to juice in the first place.

The next hottest trend is choosing a juice bar that uses fresh press equipment. This is a higher quality service requiring more time and care. The process is about juicing first, and then taking the pulp and pressing it out. There are higher priced juicing machines that do just this. When the juice is pressed, you are receiving vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants in a powerful amount and all at once- fresh cold pressed. These juices are carefully packaged and generally will stay a few days.

I have heard of Organic Avenue many times. It was my third visit yesterday that really began to put a few ideas and challenges into my head. There are already 6 Organic Avenues in New York City with a few more coming soon.

Organic Avenue offers LOVE– and in speaking of health experiences this is the kind of longterm LOVE one wants. They offer the LOVE menu:
At first, I thought they were just about juices- not that that wouldn’t be grand enough! They do however offer elixirs, alkaline water, juices, smoothies, mylks (love the spelling), soups, dips and spreads, snacks, salads, entrees and desserts.

That’s amazing! btw LIVE means RAW- lol
All of these items can be eaten on a raw vegan diet– (oh that’s next year’s challenge I think!)
If I become a “raw vegan” I may need to pick up some hours at Organic Avenue!

It doesn’t even end there! One of the best parts about Organic Avenue is the opportunity, plan and guidance to CLEANSE! That’s right- a fast! That’s the idea and challenge that I was mentioning earlier.
I have been studying “fasting” recently and have always wanted to do it- it just seems to be a leap for me.

Why do people fast? 
What are the benefits?

Fasting is an optimal process for detoxification. Detoxification as defined in The New Detox Diet: “is the process of either clearing toxins from the body or neutralizing or transforming them and hence clearing excess acidity, mucus, and congestion.” (Haas 2004) 
“Fasting is the single greatest natural healing therapy I know. It is nature’s ancient, universal remedy for many problems, used instinctively by animals when ill and by earlier cultures for healing and spiritual purification.” ~ Elson M. Haas

Some of the benefits include:

  • Relaxation of the body, mind and spirit
  • Revitalized energy
  • Opportunity for spiritual awareness and growth
  • Improved motivation
  • Increased creativity
  • Vibrant beauty from the inside out
  • Improved skin conditions
  • Breakdown of stored toxins
  • Cleaner blood and lymph
  • Cell repair and rejuvenation
  • Elimination of wastes
  • Clarity of mind
  • Conversion of stored glycogen to glucose and energy from the liver
  • Release of toxins from the colon, kidneys, bladder, lungs, sinuses and skin

How do you prepare for fasting?
You might not want to jump from a bacon cheeseburger deluxe with fries, ice cold beer and a cigarette followed by a double grande iced latte with whip cream– right into a fast; although I assure you if that’s your daily diet- you may need that fast more than anything lol. It’s best to begin some type of elimination program right before a fast. Here is a list of some items to release or limit before a fast (or to release or limit for good if you are interested in a lifestyle overhaul):

  • smoking
  • alcohol
  • caffeine
  • sugar
  • animal foods 
  • milk, eggs and dairy products
  • white flour
  • processed foods
  • drugs
  • any other addictive items
  • over eating
Doesn’t sound like fun does it? Cleansing your body and/ or choosing a healthy lifestyle of natural whole foods along with exercise can add years to your life- That alone is fun and exciting! When you close one door- another opens! There is a whole new life with incredible foods, habits and experiences just waiting around the corner for you- not to mention, all of the benefits listed above!

Let’s look on- these are the CLEANSES offered by Organic Avenue:

(1) LOVE EASY: Chlorophyll booster shot, orange juice, green love, greek salad, veggie wrap, chocolate mousse and coconut mylk.

(2) LOVE FAST: E3 booster shot, pear juice, turmeric tonic, cucumber juice, spicy avocado soup, greek salad and cashew mylk.

(3) LOVE DEEP: Aloe booster shot, coconut water, pear juice, turmeric tonic, carrot juice, mellow LOVE and cashew hemp mylk.

* These menus may vary. They also give you an option to “get alkaline,” adding 2 packages of alkaline supplements to the cleanse from the website. You can GO GREEN too on option (3) for an extra charge and all the juices will be green.

I am feeling that sneak crazy urge to do this. Would anyone like to sponsor me on this lol- and/ or DO IT WITH ME? Each fast is $350 and it includes items for 5 days! It may sound like a lot- but a fresh press machine is in the thousands so I’ll start here!

I bought four of the green juices the other day just to try them ($10 a pop- and worth it)

The first one I had was the Green Monkey Smoothie– (coconut water, banana, kale,lucuma powder and organic avenue green powder): rich, hearty and fulfilling. I had it right after a light meal so I stopped half way otherwise it would be like 2 meals on top of one another. This smoothie is definitely a meal in and of itself. 

Green LOVE juice-(kale, celery, romaine, cucumber, swiss chard, spinach, collard greens, pear, lemon and parsley): tastes green but drinkable. Imagine getting all these greens at once and they taste good. I have to say the lemon may be an important factor here.

Mellow LOVE juice-(romaine, celery, spinach, cucumber and parsley): ok how did they get this to taste good?- there isn’t even any lemon in this one. This is a heartier deeper green flavor probably easy for a regular juicer. If anything, I feel the spinach- and I am getting the image of being strong like Popeye lol. 

Green Coco juice-(Green chard, romaine, spinach, kale, celery and thai coconut water): interesting with the coconut water! I never thought to add coconut water to my juices! Thanks for the idea! I like this juice- it’s different than any I have had before.

Being the vegan health nut I am: I would choose the Mellow LOVE for meeting my green requirements first and foremost, then the Green LOVE for greens and taste, next Green Coco for it’s greens and exotic flavor and finally, the Green Monkey Smoothie as the meal of meals- this one tastes too good and filling to be true!


Haas, E., Chace, D. 2004. The New Detox Diet, The Complete Guide for Lifelong Vitality with Recipes, Menus & Detox Plans. Berkeley, Ca: Ten Speed Press

Organic Avenue. The Love Menu.

Disclaimer: The information given here is for eductional purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.

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  • Thanks for the review of Organic Avenue and info about cleansing in general. I've been so tempted to try the 3-day Love Deep. I'm in Boston, so I have shipment costs, ouch! I eat a high raw vegan diet. Way to go with your Vegan for a year challenge!

  • Thank you! Congrats on the raw vegan diet- I would love to be able to do that on a daily basis but I feel it's a process- one I'm sure I will attain one day! Is raw vegan food that available in Boston? If so- tha's great! It's getting a bit better in NY! Perhaps as I learn to cook— or uncook.. lol, it will become more adaptable. Thanks for the comment- I will be trying the Love Deep as well!

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