Vegan day 72: String beans and brussels sprouts

I will never forget the day 2 years ago and 72 days– when my Nintendo Wii called me OBESE! My nephew gave me his Wii for Christmas that year (thanks Anthony)– I’m guessing teenage boys need nothing more than an XBOX. So the kids were over, I hooked up the Wii, put in the Wii FIT, signed on and weighed in. Well the thunderous rolling on the floor in laughter from my 3 boys actually initiated a phone call from my landlord downstairs to see if I was ok. Well kids– I am OBESE NO MORE!! The Wii actually said to gain a couple of pounds lol. I still weigh in about once a week- it’s an important gage of eating habits- one not to get obsessed with though. Not that I don’t have obsessions – I most definitely do; one being to write my food into an online journal daily. I can’t begin to express the importance of this. If you do this, you will be amazed at your change in attitude and habits- and the results that will follow. Anyway, The Wii has been on my mind because I was just thinking that I have been really healthy since March started. I just counted the times I dined out in February and WOW- it was 10 times during a short month! Dining out = difficulty in knowing what exactly goes into your food. For me, this causes an increase in weight due to the ingredients used and most likely a lack of sufficient portion control on my part. (Yes- guilty as charged!)

I recently heard of a string bean and brussels sprout combination for health. I had to back-track a few days of Utube videos, podcasts and blogs to find where I read this. It had to be from one of these health gurus: Jay Kordich, Dr. Gerson and/ or Don Tolman. I will leave you with a few links below for more information on these amazing people.

The idea was to juice these 2 vegetables together and drink them. String beans and brussels sprouts are known to have natural insulin and are of interest to many diabetics. 

The best food, actually a vegetable, for healing diabetes is green beans (string beans). They provide natural insulin and have healing constituents for the pancreas. Green (string) bean juice (2-4 ounces) daily will greatly help to speed up healing of diabetes. Brussels sprouts rank next to green beans for healing of diabetes. These two veges can be blended together in a vegetable cocktail and drank daily or every other day.” 
Read more: 

I should have tried to juice them- next time I will; for today though I decided on baking. 

String beans and Brussels sprouts

String beans
Brussel sprouts
Extra virgin coconut oil
Sun dried tomatoes
Sea salt

Both of these dishes were baked at 450 degrees; the Brussels sprouts for just over 30 minutes and the string beans for about 10 minutes. 

Even though I didn’t juice them- I can feel the health benefits solely based on the fact that I am full lol. I’d much rather feel satisfied this way then the triple portions of penne alla vodka that would knock me into a comatose state -in the days before my change in diet!  

AMAZING leaders in health-

Great information and reference:

Food/ Health/ Cancer info: DVD’s 
Charlotte Gerson on Cancer and Disease
Jay Kordich in the UK
Jay Kordich Juicer
Don Tolman Utube
Don Tolman International

Disclaimer: The information given here is for educational purposes only. You should not use this to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.

[Monday, March 12t
h 2012 blog]

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