Vegan day 84: Trinity roots rice

Healthatarian— when I thought of this word, it was all about eating for health purposes- making choices to increase nutritional benefits. This begins with eliminating or reducing foods that take away from health. I have finally come to enjoy eating healthy- fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, sprouts and lean proteins. I further believe in herbs– the kind we drink as […]

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Vegan day 83: Open-faced portabella mushroom sandwich

Open-faced portabella mushroom sandwichPortabella mushrooms- whole or slicedOnionsGarlicTamariWaterPotato flour to thicken (just a pinch- other flours would work too)Olive oilVegenaiseEzekiel bread (2) slicesPortabella mushrooms are on the sexier side of vegetables! They are incredible and hearty on their own, mixed with other vegetables, served on the side or even as “burgers.” I bought some the other day and was wondering […]

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Vegan day 82: KIM CHEE

I went to a class today: The Miracle of Lacto-Fermentation at the Natural Gourmet Institute for Food and Health, taught by Peter Berley. I enjoy making my own food from scratch when I can.. also my own beauty products like skin cream, facial cleansers and scrubs. There is something both fun and empowering to creating what you will use or consume. […]

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Vegan day 76: Kale tosadas

There are a few foods that I try to avoid at all costs – that would be mostly all (non-organic) corn and soy products because I truly believe that genetically engineered foods (GMO’s) are horrible for our bodies and that one day this will all come to light! I believe that GMO’s are involved with many allergies, organ growths, inflammation […]

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Vegan day 75: Real orange juice

I don’t generally drink the orange juice that’s bottled or mass produced like Tropicana- basically because of the sugar and processing. Fresh orange juice however is so refreshing! Normally, I would order this out- they have those big machines that press the orange for juice. Have I ever juiced my own oranges?– no, I actually haven’t. I have been watching […]

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